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كلام من القلب لطلبة بيطري كفر الشيخ

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 موسوعة في الأدوية البيطرية......

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


المساهمات : 135
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2009
العمر : 36

موسوعة في الأدوية البيطرية...... Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: موسوعة في الأدوية البيطرية......   موسوعة في الأدوية البيطرية...... Icon_minitimeالأحد مارس 08, 2009 2:11 pm

[Vetragin 50 ]
Each 100 ML. contain:
Analgin 50 GM.
Analgesic, Antipyretic and spasmolytic in animals.
It is indicated in the following cases:
- Colic, intestinal spasms and other spastic conditions Of the abdomen Acute and chronic arthritis, Lumbago, Rheumatic disorder of muscles and joints.
- Neuritis, neuralgia and tendovaginitis.
- To calm the animal & to relief pain during examination and treatment.
Dosage & Administration
- By intravenous or deep intramuscular injection.

Horses: 10-20 ml.
Cattle: 3- 4 ml/50 kg B.wt.
Calves: 5-10 ml
Sheep and Goats: 3- 8 ml
Dogs and Cats:0.3- 0.6 ml

- Daily dose and may be repeated if necessary.
Precautions & Warnings
- Do not inject subcutaneously.
- To avoid muscular convulsions, the dose should not exceed 20 ml for horses, and 0.6 ml for dogs and cats.
Withdrawal time
3 days.
100 ML

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[Xyla Ject [/size]
Each 100 ML contain:
Xylazine 2 GM.
Xylaject is a sedative, analgesic, pre-anaesthetic and muscle relaxant for use in cattle, camel, horses, dogs and cats.
- Handling fractured animals especially during transportation.
- Medical examination of testis, penis, oral cavity and removal of bandages.
- Changing environment.
- Tranquilization of excited or aggressive animals.
- Obstetrics.
- Hoof & Claw examination and shoeing of horses.
- Surgical procedures.
- The duration of sedation depending on dosage and it rests not less than 30 minutes in most animals.
- It is useful during all kinds of painful processes such as teat injuries, dehorning, fitting of nose rings and castration.
- With the I.V. inj. The maximum effect is reached immediately and with I.M. inj. approximately 20 to 25 minutes post injection. The duration depending on dosage, cattle up to 45 minutes, horse variable, small animals 15-30 minutes.
- Pre-medication for minor superficial operations and local or regional anaesthesia.
- Back racking during vaginal and uterine examination and hindquarters examination.
- The duration of Pre-anaesthetic effect 60 minutes.
Muscle relaxant:
- During surgery to reduce pain & avoid shock incidence in case of tetanus.
- The duration depending on dosage 20-90 minutes.
Dosage & Administration
Cattle: by I.M. inj. 0.05 - 0.3 mg / kg B.wt.
(0.25-1.5 ml/100 kg B.wt.) According to the degree of sedation required.
1st Dose: 0.05mg/kg B.wt. = 2.5 mg/50 kg B.wt. (0.125 ml/50 kg B.wt.) Sedation with slight muscle relaxation, the animal is able to stand ( suitable for minor surgery ).
2nd Dose: 0.10 mg/kg B.wt. = 5 mg/50 kg B.wt. (0.25 ml/50 kg B.wt.) Sedation with marked increase of muscle relaxation, and some analgesia, the animal may lie down. ( suitable for minor surgery in the teat region ).
3rd Dose: 0.20 mg/kg B.wt. = 10 mg/50 kg B.wt. (0.5 ml/50 kg B.wt.) Deep Sedation, prolonged muscle relaxation, and a useful degree of analgesia, the animal lies down. ( suitable for minor surgery ).
4th Dose: 0.30 mg/kg B.wt. = 15 mg/50 kg B.wt. (0.75 ml/50 kg B.wt.) Very deep Sedation, a profound decrease of muscle ton, and a useful degree of analgesia. The animal lies down. ( suitable for very painful and protrusion surgery ). The animal should be fastened for several hours previously.
Buffaloes: by I.M. inj. With slight reduction of doses.
Camels: by I.M. inj. For sedation: 0.1-0.5 mg/kg B.wt. and the dose of 0.25 mg /kg has a very good sedative effect with excellent muscle relaxation and analgesia at a short period = (1.25 ml/100 kg B.wt.)
Horses: by I.M. inj. 0.6-1 mg/kg B.wt. (3-5 ml/100 kg B.wt.) according to the degree of sedation required.
Cats: by I.M. inj. 3 mg/kg B.wt. (0.15 ml/kg B.wt.) pre-medication with Atropine is desirable.
Dogs: by I.M. inj. 1-3 mg/kg B.wt. (0.05-0.15 ml/kg B.wt.).
After I.V. inj. The effect is obtained within 5 minutes, after I.M. inj. Within 15 minutes.
Signs of anaethesia:
- Lowering of the head, closing of the upper eyelids, dropping of the lower lip, reducing the ear movements, salivation, protrusion of the tongue and in the horse by partial prolapse of the penis.
Precautions & Warnings
- Do not be used in the latter stage of pregnancy except at parturition.
- Caution is required when pulmonary disease is present or suspected.
- Do not be used in case of obstruction of esophagus, intestinal torsion or hernia.
- In cats and dogs dosing on a full stomach often causes vomiting.
- Use two sterile needles, one for the bottle and the other for the animal.
- In case of accidental overdose leading to respiratory failure so cold water douches and artificial respiration are indicated.
- The emetic effect is reduced by fastening the animals for 6-24 hours, or by using the I.V. injection in cats and dogs.
- Sedated animals should remain under observation until walking up.
Withdrawal time
Meet: 2 weeks.
Milk: 2 days.
10 & 50 & 100ML.

. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

[Albendazole 20%]
Each 100 GM contain:
Albendazole 20 GM.
- Albendazole, is a broad spectrum anthelmintic, highly effective against, nematodes, lung worms, cestodes and trematodes.
- Albendazole, has a good ovicidal effect and can be used safely in cattle, sheep, goats, equines, poultry, dogs and cats.
- Albendazole, is slowly absorbed and slowly excreted from the digestive tract, that is why it gives its long action.
- Albendazole, is effective against mature & immature stages of the worms.
- For treatment of gastro-intestinal nematodes (bunostomum, chabertia, haemonchus, nematodirus, ostertagia, trichostrongylus & trichurius spp.)
- Lungworms (Dictyocaulus viviparous, D. filaria), tapworm in all animals, liver fluck in cattle & sheep and treatment of ascardida galli, capillaria, moniezia spp., syngamus trachease, raliatina and devania in poultry.
Dosage & Administration
- Given orally as one dose.
- Shake well before use.
Cattle & Horses:
- For different worms 7.5 mg/kg B.wt. (1.5 gm / 40 kg B.wt.)
- For liver fluke 10 mg/ kg B.wt. (1 gm / 20 kg B.wt.)
Sheep & Goats:
- For different worms 5 mg / kg B.wt. (0.5 gm / 20 kg B.wt.)
- For liver fluke 7.5 mg/ kg B.wt. (1.5 gm / 40 kg B.wt.)
Dogs & Cats:
- For different worms 5 mg / kg B.wt. (0.5 gm / 20 kg B.wt.)
- 50 gm / 1000 birds.
Precautions & Warnings
- Do not exceed the recommended dose, specially in the stages of pregnancy.
- Milk produced during treatment should not be used for human consumption.
Withdrawal time
Meat: 7 days.
Milk: 24 hours.
20 & 100 & 1000 GM.

[Albendazole 5% ]
Each 100 GM contain:
Albendazole 5 GM.
Dosage & Administration
4 times the mentioned dose in Albendazole Powder.
100 & 1000 ML.

[Albendazole 2.5%]

Albendazole 2.5%
Each 100 ML contain:
Albendazole 2.5 GM.
8 times the mentioned dose in Albendazole powder.
100 & 1000 ML. ]
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Each Syringe contain:
Mebendazole micronised 4 GM.
is highly effective anthelmintic against roundworms , tapeworms & tapeworms larvae in horses.
is effective against infestation with the following worms, mature and Immature:
Parascaris equorum, Strongyles
(S. edentatus, S. vulgaris & S. Equinus)
Triconema spp., Tridontophorus spp., Tricostrongylus axai (hairworms),
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (lungworms),
Oxyuris equi (Pinworms), Oesophagodontus spp., Potarlostomum spp, Gyalocephalus acpitatus and probstmayria vivipara.
Dosage & Administration
From 6 weeks of age: 5 - 10 mg /kg B. Wt. Repeat the dose every 6 weeks.
- This syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one horse of 400 kg. B. Wt.
- Each one division / 80 kg B. Wt.
- for the treatment of Dictyocaulus arnifieldi
15 - 20 mg /kg B.Wt for 5 days.
- The paste is given orally in Equines, Turn the screw of the syringe to obtain the requested dose, insert paste at the back of the tongue, Immediately raise the horse's head for a few seconds.
Precautions & Warnings
- High doses may cause mild scour & this side effect subsides spontaneously after a few hours.
- Make sure that the animal's mouth contains no feed.
- Fasting the animals is not required.
- Foals should be treated initially at 6 - 8 weeks of age.
- Ensure safe disposal of empty containers.
- Do not smoke or eat during handling the product
Wash hands after use.
syringe 40 GM.

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