كلام من القلب لطلبة بيطري كفر الشيخ
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كلام من القلب لطلبة بيطري كفر الشيخ

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 تابع موسوعة الأدوية البيطرية........

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


المساهمات : 135
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2009
العمر : 36

تابع موسوعة الأدوية البيطرية........ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تابع موسوعة الأدوية البيطرية........   تابع موسوعة الأدوية البيطرية........ Icon_minitimeالأحد مارس 08, 2009 2:13 pm

[Equiveen [/]
Each Syringe contain:
Ivermectin 80 MG.
- EQUIVEEN: Is highly effective against gastrointestinal, pulmonary nematodes & bots of horses, safe for pregnant mares, foals of any ages and breeding stallions.
- Large Strongyles: Adult & arterial larval stages of S. vulgaris, Adult & tissue stages of S. odontatus, adult of S equlnus & Triodontophorus spp.
- Small strongylus: Adults & lmmature.
- Pinworms (Oxuris equi).
- Parascaris equorum (Ascarids).
- Adults of Trichostrongylus axei (Hairworms).
- Adults of Habronema mucosae (large mouthed stomach worms).
- Microfilariae , Neckthreadworms Gastrophilworms.
Dosage & Administration
- The paste is given orally in Equines, Turn the screw of the syringe to obtain the requested dose, insert paste at the back of the tongue, Immediately raise the horse's head for a few seconds.
- A single dose is sufficient for every 4 months for adults.
- Foals should be treated initially at 6 - 8 weeks of age & repeated after 3 months ( 200 micrograms / kg B.Wt. ).
- This syringe contains sufficient paste to treat one horse OF 400 kg. (each syringe division treat 80 kg B.Wt.).
Precautions & Warnings
- Sweating and itching reactions after treatment & these reactions appears as a result of Microfilariae dying in large numbers, these signs resolve within a few days.
- Horses of all ages, including pregnant mares & breeding stallions, have been treated with no adverse effects.
- Make sure the animal's mouth contains no feed, fasting the animals is not required.
- Insure safe disposal of empty containers.
- Do not smoke or eat during handling the product.
- Wash hands after use.
syringe 40 GM.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________
Each 100 ML contain:
Ivermectin 1 GM.
For the treatment and control of iwnternal and external parasites of Cattle, Sheep , Goats and Camels.
Used for control of Lice, Mites , Ticks and Biting lice.
- In cattle:
Gastrointestinal roundworms:
Mature and immature stages of Ostertagia spp., Haemonchus spp. , Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., Bunostomum spp., Strongyloides papiliosus, Thelazia and Toxocara vitulorum .
Lung worms:
Dictyocaulus viviparus mature & immature.
Tropical cattle grub:
Hypoderma spp - Dermatobia - Screw-worm fly.
- In sheep & Goats:
Gastrointestinal roundworms:
Adult and immature stages of Ostertagia spp., Haemonchus contortus , Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Chabertia ovina , Nematodirus and Trichuris ovis.
Lung worms: Dictyocaulus filaria mature & immature
Nasal bot: All larval stages of Oestrus ovis.
- In Camels:
Gastrointestinal roundworms:
Mature and immature stages of Camelostrongylus, Haemonchus, Ostertagia ,Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum ,Chabertia.
Dosage & Administration
- Cattle , Camels , Sheep & Goats:
1 ml /50 kg B.Wt. Given once by S.C.I.
In case of manage mites in camels repeat the dose after 15 days.
Withdrawal time
Cattle & Sheep: 21 days.
Camels: 28 days.
Milk: 28 days.
- For subcutaneous injection only.
10 , 50 , 100 ML.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________
Each 100 ML contain:
Levamisole hydrochloride 7.5 GM.
- Levamisole HCl is a broad spectrum anthelmintic used for the treatment and control of nematodes and lungworms infestation in cattle, sheep, goats and poultry.
- Treatment removes both mature & immature stages of a wide number of nematode species infesting either the lung such as dictyocaulus spp. or gastro intestinal tract such as haemonchus, ostertagia, trichostrongylus, coopertia, oesophagostomum. Chabertia and bunostomum spp.
Dosage & Administration
1 ml / 10 kg B. Wt. by S.C. inj. (7.5mg/kgB. Wt.)
Precautions & Warnings
- It has a very wide safety margin.
- It is safely to be given for young, pregnant & stressed animals.
- All new animals must be treated before joining main herd.
- Shake well before use.
Withdrawal time
Meat: 8 days.
Milk: 4 days.
10 & 100
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

W.D.P. [size=x-small]
Each 100 GM contain:
Niclosamide 75 GM.
Niclosamide is an anthelmintic used for the control of tape worm infestation in Cattle ,Sheep , Goats , Dogs , cats & Poultry.
Dosage & Administration
- Cattle: 50 mg / kg B.wt.
- Sheep &Goats: 75 mg / kg B.wt.
- Dogs &Cats: 100-150 mg / kg B.wt.
- Poultry: 75 mg / kg B.wt.
- The dose is given once either by drenching or mixing with feed.
- The drench should be freshly prepared directly before use by shaking 75 gm of the powder with a little amount of water , then continue adding the water in small quantities with continuous shaking until the total volume reaches 750 ml and a homogenous suspension is obtained.
- Calculate the volume of the suspension to be drenched according to the previously mentioned doses taking into consideration that one ml of the suspension contains 100 mg Niclosamide.
Precautions & Warnings
Unknown contraindications.
- It is used during pregnancy and for weak animals safely.
- It has a wide safety margin.
- It can be administered in conjunction with several other drugs.
- It is poorly absorbed from the host GIT therefore no withdrawal time.
- Shake the prepared suspension from time to time before use.
100 & 1000 GM.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________
[]Piperazine Dihydrochloride]
W.S.P. []
Each 100 GM Contain:
Piperazine base 52 GM.
- Piprazine is an effective anthelmintic given orally. It is used for the treatment and prevention of Ascaridia and capillaria in poultry, Ascaridia and Oxyuris in sheep, cattle and horses.
- It is used for the treatment of Ascaridia in dogs.
Dosage & Administration
- A single dose is usually sufficient but as the larval stages in the tissues are not affected, the dose must be repeated after 2-3 weeks.
Dogs & Cats: 110 - 220 mg / kg. B.wt.
Horses: 200 mg / kg B.wt.
Poultry: 250 mg / kg B.wt. either dissolved in drinking water or mixed with feed.
Precautions & Warnings
- Medicated water or feed should be used within 24 hours.
Withdrawal time
24 Hours.
100 & 1000 GM.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________
[Rafoxanide ]
Each 100 ML contain:
Rafoxanide 3 GM.
Cattle, Sheep & Goats:
- A highly effective remedy for treatment and control of adult and immature liver flukes, all stages of adult and immature wire worms (Haemonchus contortus), and all larval stages of the sheep nasal worm (Oestrus ovis).
Dosage & Administration
- The dose is given orally.
Cattle: 1.25 ML / 10 KG B.WT.
Sheep & Goats: 2.5 ML / 10 KG B.WT.
Precautions & Warnings
- Milk produced during treatment should be discarded.
- Dairy cattle preferably treated during their dry period.
Withdrawal time
28 days.
100 & 1000 ML.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________
[Thiabendazole & Rafoxanid
Each 100 ML contains:
Thiabendazole 13.30 GM.
Rafoxanide 2.27 GM.
- Broad spectrum anthelmintic acts against roundworms and liver flukes with a wide safety margin.
- This product is highly recommended in the treatment and prevention of all stages of Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola gigantica and all types of Nematodes in cattle, sheep and goats.
- Treated sheep give more wool of high quality.
- Treated animals grow faster and are more healthy.
Dosage & Administration
- 3 ml/10 kg B.wt. or according to the instructions of the veterinarian, given orally.
Precautions & Warnings
- Shake well before use.
Withdrawal time
Meat: 28 days.
Milk: discarded during treatment.
100 & 1000 ML.
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تابع موسوعة الأدوية البيطرية........
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